October 03, 2008

Stupid Pirates are stuborn!

Earlier this week I posted at Report on Arrakis, that I thought this mess would be over in a Day ! well shut my mouth ! even after being
Surrounded by U.S. warships and Knowing that a Russian Frigate with permission to do whatever it wants ,is on the way ! these F-tards
wont give up!
 Maybe after they are fired upon as a warning they will give up !?

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Pirates holding a hijacked ship off Somalia gave no indication they planned to surrender, as six U.S. warships circled the vessel Friday with clearance from the Somali government to attack it, and a Russian frigate headed toward the standoff.

Meanwhile, activists condemned Kenya's arrest of a Kenyan maritime official on Wednesday night who had been the first to tip off media that the weapons aboard the ship hijacked nine days ago were heading to Southern Sudan. His account was later confirmed by the U.S. Navy and Western intelligence sources.

Kenya has vehemently denied statements by the official, Andrew Mwangura, that the 33 Soviet-designed tanks and weapons onboard the MV Faina were destined for neighboring Southern Sudan. The Kenyan government insists Kenya is the final destination.


Posted by: #1infidel at 10:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 12, 2008


I am a pro youtube Smackdown supporter ! I hate the Muzzy scumbags that spout their rhetoric on youtube and elsewhere on the
internet ! I believe they should all be beaten and thrown away ! they are some of the most Vile individuals in the world next to Al Qaeda
and the Taliban !
  You know I could care less about their ideology , their Koran , everything about them ! , but the fact that they want us to embrace their
beliefs , and are willing to kill us because of their beliefs just plain pisses me off !!!
  I don't know exactly how I would handle myself when confronted by one of these Douchbags, but I gaurantee it would not be pretty ,
 and I will not be the loser !!!,  I guess I would be committing some Great American BEATDOWN!  In self defense of course !( I was
fearing for my life Bro!!!)
  But I hope I never have to go through that , that is why I believe in what our Military is doing !  They are taking it to these Turd herders,
so we wont have to! 100% support for them from me ,yeah there is an occasional unfortunate mishap , but it is a mistake ,that is not a 
reason to dis the Military ! mistakes happen in a time of war ! It's an ugly truth!.
 so next time you run into someone in Uniform, look them in the eye and say thanks !  its not much but do it anyway!
and if you get the chance please stop by you tube Smackdown And slap a few of these bitches in the face , every little bit helps !!!

Posted by: #1infidel at 09:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 01, 2008

US hands over former Sunni rebel hotspot to Iraq

This is great news !now all we have to do is see if the Iraqi's can hold their own ? Hopefully Al qaeda Is pretty much done , and we wont see them do anything again ! But if the people of Iraq can not hold The Anbar Province by themselves ,then we should pull out and watch them rot ! It is because of their Blind eye and a basic Cowardice on their own part to turn in the Turd Harvesters of Al Qaeda ,  when that is all they had to do !
If they would not have givin them the safe Haven of their homes things would have been alot different !

RAMADI, Iraq (AFP) — Iraqi forces on Monday took control of the Sunni Anbar province, once the most explosive battlefield in Iraq, from the US military, symbolising the growing security gains in the war-torn country.

The transfer ceremony at the governate building in the provincial capital of Ramadi marked the handover of the 11th of Iraq's 18 provinces.

Anbar, once a flashpoint of anti-American insurgency and later an Al-Qaeda stronghold, is the first Sunni province to be returned to Baghdad's Shiite-led government.

"I would like to announce that the (Anbar) transfer from the US to Iraqi forces is done," said Muwaffaq al-Rubaie, Iraq's national security advisor, at the handover ceremony.


Posted by: #1infidel at 03:37 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 30, 2008

Islamic Jihad threatens Israel with 'the fires of hell'

Same old B.S. from these lackys, I do not think they will unleash more than they already have ! The response from Israel when they do anything is way to severe for them to Handle ,They will continue to unleash small strikes here and there and that will be all ,Israel on the other hand will crush them like the little bitches they are!

KHAN YUNES, Gaza Strip (AFP) — The Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad on Saturday threatened to unleash "the fires of hell" on Israel, as it staged a military parade in the south of the Islamist-ruled Gaza Strip.

"We will unleash the fires of hell if the Zionist enemy continues its crimes," said the group's military chief Abu Hamzeh after the parade by around 800 Islamic Jihad members, an AFP journalist reported.

"We're getting ready for the next round," he added, saying "the Zionist enemy will have neither peace nor security while it occupies our land."


Posted by: #1infidel at 06:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 29, 2008

Afghanistan faces humanitarian crisis: Oxfam

Why would the Taliban or Al Queda not help their own people ?Maybe because they are selfish fuktards that could give a rats ass about anyone !
  Like the mob , and drug cartels across the world ,These Assholes just extort their own for their "cause" under the banner of Allah ,I hope they all rot !

KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan needs urgent help to avert a humanitarian crisis this winter, with millions facing some of the worst conditions for more than 20 years, a leading British charity said on Saturday.

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world with more than half of the population living below the poverty line and millions of Afghans facing constant food shortages.


Posted by: #1infidel at 10:28 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 23, 2008

A big dumbass !

I haven't posted here in a while ! I forgot my password and ID,Ill try to get things going !

Posted by: #1infidel at 07:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 28, 2008


Every American should watch FITNA!   the 15 minute long movie is not violent ,it exposes evil !
It's nothing new , just put together real well , you come away more understanding ! not in the tolerance sense ! in the way that you understand that these people need to be stopped !      dead in their tracks !
   we should not tolerate this !
  We should exterminate the threat before it grows bigger !
        America -   PREPAIR!

Posted by: #1infidel at 10:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 22, 2008

Did you forget

I forget a lot of stuff ! I read so much , and so many different things that I have a hard time remembering stuff ! but I have a great memory!
  If its important I can recall it almost word for word !the rest is just in the garbage bin of useless stuff we all read or here !
  but some people forget important things !
Like politicians forget who they work for !  sometimes they should stop and remember what it was like when they were struggling to become what they are today and think of how higher taxes , higher gas prices , higher food prices , just a higher cost of living in general affected them !   before they say its o.k. to raise the costs of all of the above!

Posted by: #1infidel at 08:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 10, 2008

La shish ! terrorist owned restaurant?

  This has been going on for a while , Talal Chahine , founder of the detroit area and Dearborn area restaurant La shish  , has been leading a double life for years ,he has skimmed over 20 million dollars from his restaurant, and had several different wifes (at the same time ) and fathered several different children , hes been accused of funding Hizballah, and having close ties with sheik muhammed hussein fadallah the spiritual leader of the Hizballah terrorist group .
  he fled the country in sept of 2005 , after his son was convicted of murder , and he has not been back since .
  they finally closed the doors to La shish ( a middle eastern cuisine establishment) and several hundred employees are left out in the cold ! but who do you think is to blame in all of this  Talal Cahine ? or the U.S, government ?    


The closing of his business has left 305 employees without jobs in a difficult economy, state and federal tax collectors out more than $16 million in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest, and many in metro Detroit's Arab-American community feeling as though the U.S. government -- through an overzealous prosecution -- ruined one of the most successful Arab-American businesses in the country.

"What they did was wrong," said Nasser Beydoun, head of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce. "It was unethical. They had nothing on terrorism, and they knew that. They just wanted to put more pressure on him, which I think was dirty and underhanded."

The closing of his business has left 305 employees without jobs in a difficult economy, state and federal tax collectors out more than $16 million in unpaid taxes, penalties and interest, and many in metro Detroit's Arab-American community feeling as though the U.S. government -- through an overzealous prosecution -- ruined one of the most successful Arab-American businesses in the country.

"What they did was wrong," said Nasser Beydoun, head of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce. "It was unethical. They had nothing on terrorism, and they knew that. They just wanted to put more pressure on him, which I think was dirty and underhanded."


Posted by: #1infidel at 04:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 07, 2008


This from fox news ,

    BOSTON â€”  In a test of Harvard's famed open-mindedness, the university has banned men from one of its gyms for a few hours a week to accommodate Muslim women who say it offends their sense of modesty to exercise in front of the opposite sex.

   Now I'm really getting pissed off and offended at the constant barrage of politically correctness and religous entitlment !
     The  enabling of muslims to dictate how things should be has gone far enough! foot baths at UofM and now "special" times for muslim women to workout without being seen by "men"  get over it ,enough already ",LEARN HOW TO FIT IN WITH OTHERS "
   I feel like I should start a lawsuit to voice my views, something  like how , " muslim women should not be able to dress like they do in America because I feel scared when I see them ",and" it is generally offensive to have to see them dressed like that because it goes against what I believe in " "Freedom from religion !   It most definitely would not fly , would it ? no it would not !
   I'm the unlikable Minority , white male , follow the rule's , pay my own way and a Conservative ! my kind look to be doomed !   whole story.

Posted by: #1infidel at 08:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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